About Taekwonmudo HTA
Taekwonmudo HTA was made in 2021. It was going to be a website where people can request a trial lesson at any of their locations situated in the Netherlands. The website consists of a blog with fun bite-size facts about Taekwondo and Mudo. Each location has his own news-reel and you can read about the locations, where the lessons are situated and more practical information.
The website is developed with Elementor, which is fantastic for loading dynamic content such as blog-posts sorted by category, or news-posts sorted by locations, etcetera. The back-end environment is really neat to work with. Depending on the size of a website I sometimes advice clients to buy the pro version of the plugin (It’s only $49 anually). This makes it really fast for me to set-up a workable template and is also very client-friendly. Literally the only plugin I run on that site is Elementor, which makes the WordPress dashboard clean and understandable for anyone without web-experience.
Biggest challenge
The biggest challenge with this site was backing up old posts and integrating them within the new website. I basically had to go in the back-end MySQL and retrieve the posts there from the old site. Then with the new site, I made an empty table in the SQL database and imported the old posts. This would have been the fastest way for me to have the old posts on the site. Sadly for me, both the categories and featured images didn’t import correctly breaking the entire SQL-backend of the site. It gives you that “A critial error has occured”. So, I had to install everything from scratch. I ran a virtual environment including a temporary MariaDB server on my computer enabling me to look at the old posts, then one-by-one export and import them to the new site. It was a little work-around but worked for me in the end.