About soundlogo.shop

Soundlogo.shop was made in 2021. Soundlogo.shop is a team. They make soundlogo’s for company’s of any size. They have licensing for various periods of time. They have a studio in the Biotoop which they frequently use for radio- and video-productions.

Biggest challenge

Working with soundlogo.shop was really fun. They have a pretty big goal in mind and needed a website accordingly. The biggest challenge was to make a shop where you could listen to the sounds that they offer. It was quite the trouble actually to make it work properly. There were some back-and-forths with some plugin developers which resulted in this awesome site. They have an integrated invoice system with Woocommerce and is by far the biggest E-commerce shop I have ever made. This of course came with new challenges that I haven’t had before, like the website slowing down due to the amount of plugins enables on the site. I had to optimise loading times and think like as a corporate designer. 
